Homework, Notes 11/17/09


for this week you will be making thumbnail sketches that depict as accurately as possible the layout of very single page of your book. think of this as a sort of 'storyboard' plan. it's a straightforward process with the following steps:
  1. work out your physical page size/proportion.
  2. figure out exactly which specific images and text will be included (in this case your song titles & lyrics will make up the majority of your text).
  3. develop a grid (fixed margins, columns, rows, etc.) that will keep your content organized and navigable. remember that you will want to achieve both consistency and variation from page to page.
  4. think about telling a story with your content, about creating drama, rhythm and sense with your sequencing and layouts.
  5. create thumbnails sketches of your entire book. the more accurate you are with the thumbnails (cleaner drawing, more specific image & copy amount representation), the less time you will spend working out the final pages. 

i want TWO full sets of thumbnails from everybody. those who are comfortable working in adobe indesign may begin there; we will be going over indesign in class next week. thumbnails may be drawn or printed.

stay tuned for the specific classroom number we'll be meeting at.

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