Galactic- Late for the future.

here are my mock ups of my album composition with type added. I made my own typeface using similar vectors that I create for my cover art and I think its pretty successful and matches the concept well without detracting from the art work. The scan of my original album cover and paper isnt so great by try your best to imagine the type overlayed my recylced paper. I think I want to make a vertical "belly band" on accetate that holds the type. So the type wouldnt actually be on the cover art, instead overlaid on the accetate. Let me know what you think of the type, the placement and what you think of my idea of incorporating it. I'm not opposed to printing it directly on my cover but I wanted feed back before I went ahead and did anything. I've checked out and will be in jamaica for the next week so comments by next tuesday would be appreciated so i can make adjustments prior to wednesdays class if need be. have a fantastic break/happy thanksgiving.

(now seeing it uploaded the vector type should probably be darker so you can see it better, let me know what you think)


e. said...

oh man, i'm really liking the track list, that looks good.
as for the cover page, both look nice and subtle with the lined type, buti think i'm more partial to the second one, with the Galactic in a smaller size. it's not as obvious, i feel like the other one takes away from the beautiful line work. goodjob working type into it though

Kash said...

nice work megan

my only comment is that the your choice of typeface may be a little conservative. in the 90's a lot of electronica bands were using helvetica all caps bold (plz see the work of 'designers republic') but it was taken much further then in terms of composition. or you could just look for a more interesting face. i'd love for you to find something that was 'electronic and organic' in character... have a good holiday!