Internet High Five, Dude

Hi All,
My apologies for forgetting the rest of my work today- how embarrassing! :(
Here is my Internet High Five, in all its 5 typefaced glory (and also, in order).
I think I like Bodoni best, what do you think?


Kash said...

An interesting start for the symbol, but I think things need to go much further. Please look more closely at the 5 typefaces handout so you can understand the font letterforms better.

My comments:
1. Please lose the hexagon figure enclosing your symbol. It adds nothing and works to obscure the inner form.
2. Some of these are sort of poorly drawn- especially the Jenson and Baskerville versions. The stroke contrast is nearly nonexistent, the 'serifs' and details are not particularly thought out, and the shapes are just not very beautiful.
3. Where are the slab serifs for Clarendon? (bottom left, no?)
4. I agree that Bodoni is the strongest right now, although the bottom stroke terminals look cut off. Maybe work with this glyph for your poster?

Jess P said...

Thanks for the feedback, Noah. I guess my lack of experience with illustrator is showing through, but I'll try to clean them up!

I can definitely get rid of the hexagon, though I had been using it to symbolize the "clap" sound that a high five makes... would it be any more effective to have the outline of the hexagon and the symbol in black or just get rid of the shape all together?

I had tried to use the paintbrush tool to make jenson look more handrawn and I'll try to increase the stroke contrast with that, while also defining my serifs for for Baskerville.( i was trying to create an adapted version of the Baskerville "J" but you're right, it wasn't as elegant as it should have been).

I also had been trying to create slab serifs for Claredon, but I can see now that they were not as successful as I hoped. (again, another inexperienced illustrator flub).

I'll be using your comments to work more on these throughout the week and will edit the Bodoni type face more for my posters.

Thanks again for the constructive critism :)

Kash said...

Thanks for responding Jess. I wasn't aware that the software was a problem, so I apologize if the crit seemed harsh.

I would say then to concentrate more on hand-drawing and tweaking the glyphs (it's faster in this instance, believe me), and when they seem satisfactory to just recreate them in Illustrator either by scanning and auto-tracing or by hand tracing with the pen tool. I would avoid the brush tool unless your are very confident with controlling it's angle and width features.

In terms of the hexagon... I quite like the idea that there is a 'sound' coming out of the character, but this generic surrounding form divorces each unique inner glyph from its parent typeface. It is also counterintuitive to the nature of a drawn form to be white on black rather than black on white. No?

I'm excited to see what you come up with.

Jess P said...

No need to apologize, I need all the help I can get! I was trying to practice with Illustrator, but in order to create a character more precise in accordance with our assignment, I guess I should stick to pen and paper ;)

Ill be brainstorming on a reformed "clap sound" too. You make alot of sense!