Homework, Notes 11/30/10

Hello all!

Welcome to your final project! You will be using the scene dialogue from the film you chose as the content for a little booklet that you will create. The final booklet (due the final week of class, not next Tues.) will be 4" x 32", with each panel of the booklet being 4" square- e.g. there are 8 panels on each side. See diagram below.

The ONLY pieces of content that can appear in this booklet are:
1. The scene dialogue
2. Optional: The film's title
3. Optional: The names of the characters in the scene
4. Optional: Images of the scene's location (you may NOT use images of the scene's characters)

To begin this project, read your dialogue carefully and begin to think about how to represent the dialogue visually. Consider how:

  • Typefaces could represent personalities, ages, genders, accents
  • The various fonts/weights in a a typeface could be used for different tones of voice and ways of speaking
  • Typeface size could represent volume
  • Color could represent emotion or mood
  • Space on a page can represent time and pacing in a film

Then, MAKE THUMBNAIL STORYBOARDS. Please, for all our sakes.

For next week you do not have to assemble the booklet- just bring in your booklet's panels printed out flat. I suggest designing on 11" x 17" paper, as in the diagram. So you would have two 11x17 pages for next week...

1 comment:

andrea.n.pardo said...

To what degree are we allowed to warp and distort a letter...er the typeface?